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Corporate Wellness

Invest in your most valuable asset

A wellness program is an enticing incentive for current and prospective employees. Not only will your employees benefit, your company will benefit as well. It’s a fact that healthy employees are more productive, have lower stress, and are more positive and miss less work.

Here’s what studies show us:

  • Exercise helps achieve higher mental concentration and alertness.
  • Participants enjoy work more than non-participants.
  • It’s a morale booster and rapport builder among coworkers.
  • Exercise improves reaction time, memory, and decision-making ability.
  • Exercise induces sounder sleep, allowing for a better handle on stress.
  • Invest in your team’s well-being and watch your business thrive!

Corporate Wellness Offerings

Wellness Classes

Our staff has the capability to teach a variety of classes, that can be conducted either at your workplace or our YMCA facilities. These can range from exercise sessions to nutrition and meal prep workshops. Each class is customized to fit your company’s unique needs and goals, ensuring your employees receive valuable, tailored wellness education.

Monthly Challenges

We implement various monthly programs to motivate and encourage friendly competition among employees. These initiatives not only boost physical health but also foster team spirit and camaraderie through efforts such as step challenges, mindful eating, hydration contests, activity tracking and social engagement.

Subsidy Matching

Employers can set an amount they are willing to invest towards an employee’s monthly membership. The Y will match that amount at 50% (up to $10 per month), and the employee pays the remaining balance. This collaboration helps make health and wellness more accessible for everyone involved.